Saturday, April 18, 2009

Remember Mothers Day

Don't forget that Mothers Day is just around the corner. Don't wait till the last minute to pick out a gift for your mother and grandmother, and great-grandmother if you are still lucky enough to have one. You can get traditional gifts like clothes or jewerly, or maybe you want to go with the standard flowers. Some mothers prefer plants to flowers as they can keep them much longer than flowers.

I know I gave my mother a cactus a few years back, and it still has a special place in her kitchen. Perhaps you want to buy some exotic plants for her such as orchids. Remember though the more exotic the plant, the harder it is to maintain and care for. That is why I bought my mother a cactus. She can forget to water the plant and it still will remain healty.

If you are on a budget perhaps you could write a poem for Mother's Day. A well thought out poem will touch any mothers heart. In fact if you put in the time into it, she will probably think it is better than any gift you could possibly buy for her. The important thing is to do something, and not wait to the last minute to do it.

If you can't travel to see your mother on Mothers day, make sure you give her a phone call. She may live in New York City, and you may live in Atlanta, so it may not be practical to see her on Mothers Day. Remeber you only have one mother and this is her day to feel extra special for all the things she did for you all your life.

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